Saturday, May 15, 2010


Harrowing, I think. I should change the blog name to "things I don't know anything about."

We live kind of out in BFE, but that doesn't mean we don't have neighbors. A's family goes back on this land for generations, but we're the only ones who actually live out here now. There's about 700 acres around us that belong to his family but are rented to another farmer, and several hundred more acres to our south that belong to another family -- but we only see those folks a few times a year when they're actually working the land, like yesterday when I took this picture across the road.

It's sort of surreal to me to actually see people farming, especially this sort of large-scale monoculture. For the last few weeks enormous farm machinery has been driving past our house. I mean really massive, as big as a house. Although "farming methods, machinery, etc. used in the Idaho Palouse" is yet another thing to add to the list of stuff I need to learn about, even knowing nothing it's fascinating to see the different fields around here greening up at different rates. There are some with wheat already ankle high, looking like incredibly lush grass. And others, like across the road, just plowing/harrowing now.

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